Region of Murcia



Murcia is a Moderate Innovator region in Spain (NUTS2), home to internationally recognized research teams in healthcare, biotechnology and agrifood sciences, with several technological clusters and multinational enterprises in sectors like energy, manufacturing, and engineering sectors.  

Murcia’s RIS3 incorporated Innovation Procurement (inP) among its main lines of action since its creation in 2014. As a result, several inP projects have been carried out in the region, such as inDemandCHERRIESHealthChain and InnoBuyer

One of the strategic objectives of the updated 2021-27 RIS4 is to promote innovation among the public sector with an “Innovative Public Procurement” program. The main priority areas are agrifood (including water management and environment), marine and maritime industry, energy and chemical industry, transport and logistics, habitat, tourism  and healthcare. 


Ticbiomed is a non-profit association of 60 entities in the healthcare sector. It has a network of national and international contacts developed during the last 14 years while connecting demand and supply of innovative solutions for the European healthcare sector.

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Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia (INFO) is the Regional Development Agency of Murcia. It fosters economic growth by supporting innovation and internationalization of enterprises, and has been managing EU funds since 1990. In particular, it manages the ERDF programme for the region (170M€ in 2021-27), which includes leading the development of Murcia’s RIS3 and its update for the 2021-27 period (“RIS4”). 

Importance of PREPARE for the region

PREPARE’s project is important for Murcia’s Region, as its goal is to foster collaboration between public organizations and companies to jointly develop innovative solutions that will have a lasting impact. This common collaboration is key for the region because in the regional workshop, it was highlighted by the regional stakeholders:

  1. Adoption is key. If there is no adoption, it generates frustration among the different teams.
  2. Better and clearer needs identification is necessary to improve the relationship and understanding among public organisations and innovative companies.
  3. To improve the adoption of public organisations, there is a need to ensure technical, financial, and regulatory viability.
  4. Co-creation allows to procure more customised solutions with minor risks.
  5. It is key to create an organisational culture to involve the different teams and departments within an organisation.
  6. Incorporate ‘’Adoption touchpoints’’ within the overall design of the instrument, criteria and actions that maximise adoption options (by Challengers and Solvers).




Aside from the public procurers, there are multinational companies with headquarters in the region sectors like food, energy, manufacturing, and engineering.


With a strong presence include SMEs within transport, logistics, energy and chemical engineering industries, and internationally recognized R&D centres in healthcare, biotechnology and agrifood sciences.


Include more than 10 technological, business hubs and sectorial clusters.